Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure


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The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure gives state-of-the-art guidance on how to design, implement and manage a water infrastructure project with a dredging component to project owners, regulators, consultants, designers and contractors.

About the book

With growing environmental awareness and increasing climate pressures on low-lying deltas, modern-day society puts incredibly strong demands on the sustainability of water infrastructure projects. Classic approaches towards the design and implementation of such projects no longer suffice in satisfying these demands. Instead, radically different methods are needed which demand multidisciplinary project teams to adopt entirely new ways of thinking, acting and interacting. Application of these new methods results in innovative water infrastructure solutions that meet the primary functional requirements while at the same time delivering added value for nature and society as an inherent part of project development.

The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure presents state-of-the-art guidance to achieve dredging projects that fulfil their primary functional requirement, while adding value to the (natural and socio-economic) system. The publication promotes the message that through a thorough understanding of these systems and with proactive engagement of stakeholders throughout a project’s phases, a value added project can be successfully achieved.

A team of experts from the academic institutes, dredging contractors, consultants and project owners have worked for nearly five years on the book. In addition, the book has also been reviewed by experienced experts and practitioners.


Implementation of water infrastructure involving dredging, such as port development, river deepening, canalisation, flood defence measures and reclamations, has traditionally been an essential activity in civilisation's development and prosperity, and in fact still is. By its very nature, however, the act of dredging, with the excavation of material from the sea, river or lake bed and its relocation elsewhere, is an environmental impact.

It has also been recognised that dredging can be a useful tool for remedying historic environmental interferences, such as contaminated sediments resulting from – nowadays unacceptable – industrial discharges. Yet, more recent approaches look beyond the scope of isolated dredging activities and embrace a wider context, by considering water infrastructure development projects as an opportunity to also add value to the (natural and socio-economic) system in order to achieve more sustainable projects.

In the past 10-15 years, the international dredging community has really embraced this kind of thinking and the approach to dredging has in many ways been transformed. From mainly dealing with negative impacts, often at the end of the project design and the start of the construction phase, towards a much more proactive approach where water infrastructure projects are being considered as part of the natural and socio-economic system in which they are situated, and stakeholders are being engaged much earlier in the project development process to facilitate the search for opportunities to create added value.

This change in attitude has a huge influence on the initiation, planning and design, execution and maintenance of water infrastructure projects. Comprehensive guidance on how to bring this into practice has to date been lacking. With this book a wide range of professionals have attempted to collect and integrate their experiences and best practices, to deliver this state-of-the-art guidance book on Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure.

The book aims to provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is the role of dredging in the global drive for more sustainable development?
  • How can we design more sustainable infrastructure that aligns with the natural and socio-economic system?
  • How can we assess and stimulate the potential positive effects of infrastructure development and compare these with the potential negative effects?
  • What equipment and which sediment management options do we have?
  • What tools and information do we have to make choices and control the project?


  1. Preface
  2. Integrating dredging into sustainable development (Download chapter preview)
  3. Sustainability in project initiation, planning and design
  4. Assessment and management of sustainability
  5. Equipment and methods
  6. Dredged material management
  7. Models and tools
  8. Monitoring and data
  9. Synopsick here to download the full content.

Experiences and insights of the book "Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure" by Stefan Aarninkhof, Professor of Coastal Engineering at Delft University of Technology

In this video , Stefan Aarninkhof, Professor of Coastal Engineering at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands, will discuss this in detail. Stefan is a contributing author of the book and member of the editorial committee. Throughout his 20 year career in the water sector, he has been closely involved in the execution, programming and management of applied coastal research, continually working at the interface of science, engineering and design. The book has been designated as an official textbook for the TU Delft curriculum in dredging studies.

Presentation by Polite Laboyrie (CEDA) on the Guidebook 'Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure'

A contribution by Polite Laboyrie, President of CEDA, to the Paving the Waves 2020 conference is linked to the IADC-CEDA book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure. The book and also Mr Laboyrie’s presentation presents guidance to achieve dredging projects that fulfil their primary functional requirement, while adding value to the (natural and socio-economic) system. Through a thorough understanding of these systems and with proactive engagement of stakeholders throughout a project’s phases, a value added project can be successfully achieved. A team of experts from the academic institutes, dredging contractors, consultants and project owners have worked for nearly five years on the book.

Information about ordering a hard copy or e-book

The prices are as followed:

  • Hard copy: € 150.00. Price excludes 9% VAT and shipping.
  • E-book: € 97.50. Price excludes 9% VAT.


frequently asked questions

Editorial Committee

Polite Laboyrie

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Mark van Koningsveld

Van Oord / Delft University of Technology (IADC) ( https://www.vanoord.com /)


Stefan Aarninkhof

Delft University of Technology / Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) (https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)


Marcel Van Parys

Jan De Nul Group (IADC) ( https://www.jandenul.com/en)

Mark Lee

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Anders Jensen

Danish Hydraulic Institute (CEDA) ( https://www.dhigroup.com /)

Anna Csiti

Central European Dredging Association (CEDA) ( https://dredging.org /)

René Kolman

International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) ( https://www.iadc-dredging.com/)


Contributing authors

Stefan Aarninkhof

Delft University of Technology / Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) (https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)


Chris Adnitt

Royal Haskoning DHV (CEDA) ( https://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/)

Martin Baptist

Wageningen University & Research / Wageningen Marine Research (https://www.wur.nl/en.htm)


Niels Borgers

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Todd Bridges

US Army Corps of Engineers (WEDA) ( https://www.usace.army.mil/)

Ida Brøker

Danish Hydraulic Institute (CEDA) ( https://www.dhigroup.com/)

Ron Cox

University of New South Wales (PIANC) ( https://www.unsw.edu.au/)

Mike Dearnely

Hakstege Consultancy (CEDA)

Katherine Harris

Harris Holden Ltd (CEDA) ( http://www.harrisholden.com/home.html)

Rienk Hessels

Rohde-Nielsen (IADC) ( https://rohde-nielsen.com/)

Marc Huygens

Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering (DEME) (IADC) (https://www.deme-group.com/)

Claire Jeuken

Deltares (CEDA) ( https://www.deltares.nl/en/)

François De Keuleneer

Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering (DEME) (IADC) (https://www.deme-group.com/)

Mark van Koningsveld

Van Oord / Delft University of Technology (IADC) ( https://www.vanoord.com/)


Polite Laboyrie

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Mark Lee

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Marcel Van Parys

Jan De Nul Group (IADC) ( https://www.jandenul.com/en)

Teresa sa Pereira

Port of Lisbon Authority (CEDA)


Gerard van Raalte

Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) ( https://boskalis.com/)

Rita Ramos

Port of Lisbon Authority (CEDA)


Paul Scherrer

Dragages Ports (GIE) (PIANC)

Mikhail Shilin

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (CEDA) (http://www.rshu.ru/eng/)

Philip Spadaro

The Intelligence Group (WEDA) ( http://intell-group.com/2014/)

Jeremy Spearman

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Tiedo Vellinga

Port of Rotterdam / Delft University of Technology (PIANC) (https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en)


Mindert de Vries

Deltares (CEDA) ( https://www.deltares.nl/en/)

Sierd de Vries

Delft University of Technology ( https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)

Vincent Vuik

Delft University of Technology / HKV Consultants ( https://www.tudelft.nl/en/) (https://www.hkv.nl/en/)

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The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure gives state-of-the-art guidance on how to design, implement and manage a water infrastructure project with a dredging component to project owners, regulators, consultants, designers and contractors.

About the book

With growing environmental awareness and increasing climate pressures on low-lying deltas, modern-day society puts incredibly strong demands on the sustainability of water infrastructure projects. Classic approaches towards the design and implementation of such projects no longer suffice in satisfying these demands. Instead, radically different methods are needed which demand multidisciplinary project teams to adopt entirely new ways of thinking, acting and interacting. Application of these new methods results in innovative water infrastructure solutions that meet the primary functional requirements while at the same time delivering added value for nature and society as an inherent part of project development.

The book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure presents state-of-the-art guidance to achieve dredging projects that fulfil their primary functional requirement, while adding value to the (natural and socio-economic) system. The publication promotes the message that through a thorough understanding of these systems and with proactive engagement of stakeholders throughout a project’s phases, a value added project can be successfully achieved.

A team of experts from the academic institutes, dredging contractors, consultants and project owners have worked for nearly five years on the book. In addition, the book has also been reviewed by experienced experts and practitioners.


Implementation of water infrastructure involving dredging, such as port development, river deepening, canalisation, flood defence measures and reclamations, has traditionally been an essential activity in civilisation's development and prosperity, and in fact still is. By its very nature, however, the act of dredging, with the excavation of material from the sea, river or lake bed and its relocation elsewhere, is an environmental impact.

It has also been recognised that dredging can be a useful tool for remedying historic environmental interferences, such as contaminated sediments resulting from – nowadays unacceptable – industrial discharges. Yet, more recent approaches look beyond the scope of isolated dredging activities and embrace a wider context, by considering water infrastructure development projects as an opportunity to also add value to the (natural and socio-economic) system in order to achieve more sustainable projects.

In the past 10-15 years, the international dredging community has really embraced this kind of thinking and the approach to dredging has in many ways been transformed. From mainly dealing with negative impacts, often at the end of the project design and the start of the construction phase, towards a much more proactive approach where water infrastructure projects are being considered as part of the natural and socio-economic system in which they are situated, and stakeholders are being engaged much earlier in the project development process to facilitate the search for opportunities to create added value.

This change in attitude has a huge influence on the initiation, planning and design, execution and maintenance of water infrastructure projects. Comprehensive guidance on how to bring this into practice has to date been lacking. With this book a wide range of professionals have attempted to collect and integrate their experiences and best practices, to deliver this state-of-the-art guidance book on Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure.

The book aims to provide answers to the following questions:

  • What is the role of dredging in the global drive for more sustainable development?
  • How can we design more sustainable infrastructure that aligns with the natural and socio-economic system?
  • How can we assess and stimulate the potential positive effects of infrastructure development and compare these with the potential negative effects?
  • What equipment and which sediment management options do we have?
  • What tools and information do we have to make choices and control the project?


  1. Preface
  2. Integrating dredging into sustainable development (Download chapter preview)
  3. Sustainability in project initiation, planning and design
  4. Assessment and management of sustainability
  5. Equipment and methods
  6. Dredged material management
  7. Models and tools
  8. Monitoring and data
  9. Synopsick here to download the full content.

Experiences and insights of the book "Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure" by Stefan Aarninkhof, Professor of Coastal Engineering at Delft University of Technology

In this video , Stefan Aarninkhof, Professor of Coastal Engineering at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands, will discuss this in detail. Stefan is a contributing author of the book and member of the editorial committee. Throughout his 20 year career in the water sector, he has been closely involved in the execution, programming and management of applied coastal research, continually working at the interface of science, engineering and design. The book has been designated as an official textbook for the TU Delft curriculum in dredging studies.

Presentation by Polite Laboyrie (CEDA) on the Guidebook 'Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure'

A contribution by Polite Laboyrie, President of CEDA, to the Paving the Waves 2020 conference is linked to the IADC-CEDA book Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure. The book and also Mr Laboyrie’s presentation presents guidance to achieve dredging projects that fulfil their primary functional requirement, while adding value to the (natural and socio-economic) system. Through a thorough understanding of these systems and with proactive engagement of stakeholders throughout a project’s phases, a value added project can be successfully achieved. A team of experts from the academic institutes, dredging contractors, consultants and project owners have worked for nearly five years on the book.

Information about ordering a hard copy or e-book

The prices are as followed:

  • Hard copy: € 150.00. Price excludes 9% VAT and shipping.
  • E-book: € 97.50. Price excludes 9% VAT.


frequently asked questions

Editorial Committee

Polite Laboyrie

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Mark van Koningsveld

Van Oord / Delft University of Technology (IADC) ( https://www.vanoord.com /)


Stefan Aarninkhof

Delft University of Technology / Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) (https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)


Marcel Van Parys

Jan De Nul Group (IADC) ( https://www.jandenul.com/en)

Mark Lee

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Anders Jensen

Danish Hydraulic Institute (CEDA) ( https://www.dhigroup.com /)

Anna Csiti

Central European Dredging Association (CEDA) ( https://dredging.org /)

René Kolman

International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) ( https://www.iadc-dredging.com/)


Contributing authors

Stefan Aarninkhof

Delft University of Technology / Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) (https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)


Chris Adnitt

Royal Haskoning DHV (CEDA) ( https://www.royalhaskoningdhv.com/)

Martin Baptist

Wageningen University & Research / Wageningen Marine Research (https://www.wur.nl/en.htm)


Niels Borgers

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Todd Bridges

US Army Corps of Engineers (WEDA) ( https://www.usace.army.mil/)

Ida Brøker

Danish Hydraulic Institute (CEDA) ( https://www.dhigroup.com/)

Ron Cox

University of New South Wales (PIANC) ( https://www.unsw.edu.au/)

Mike Dearnely

Hakstege Consultancy (CEDA)

Katherine Harris

Harris Holden Ltd (CEDA) ( http://www.harrisholden.com/home.html)

Rienk Hessels

Rohde-Nielsen (IADC) ( https://rohde-nielsen.com/)

Marc Huygens

Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering (DEME) (IADC) (https://www.deme-group.com/)

Claire Jeuken

Deltares (CEDA) ( https://www.deltares.nl/en/)

François De Keuleneer

Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering (DEME) (IADC) (https://www.deme-group.com/)

Mark van Koningsveld

Van Oord / Delft University of Technology (IADC) ( https://www.vanoord.com/)


Polite Laboyrie

Witteveen + Bos (CEDA) ( http://www.witteveenbos.com/?rd=0)

Mark Lee

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Marcel Van Parys

Jan De Nul Group (IADC) ( https://www.jandenul.com/en)

Teresa sa Pereira

Port of Lisbon Authority (CEDA)


Gerard van Raalte

Royal Boskalis Westminster (IADC) ( https://boskalis.com/)

Rita Ramos

Port of Lisbon Authority (CEDA)


Paul Scherrer

Dragages Ports (GIE) (PIANC)

Mikhail Shilin

Russian State Hydrometeorological University (CEDA) (http://www.rshu.ru/eng/)

Philip Spadaro

The Intelligence Group (WEDA) ( http://intell-group.com/2014/)

Jeremy Spearman

HR Wallingford (CEDA) ( http://www.hrwallingford.com/)

Tiedo Vellinga

Port of Rotterdam / Delft University of Technology (PIANC) (https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en)


Mindert de Vries

Deltares (CEDA) ( https://www.deltares.nl/en/)

Sierd de Vries

Delft University of Technology ( https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)

Vincent Vuik

Delft University of Technology / HKV Consultants ( https://www.tudelft.nl/en/) (https://www.hkv.nl/en/)


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