Dredged Material Management Guide


1997 | softcover | 16 pp. | PIANC | ISBN: 2-87223-089-0

A concise guide to support and explain the management of dredged material.

Today management of dredged material is a key issue, especially when creating and maintaining infrastructure for waterborne transport. Economic, engineering, environmental, regulatory and social aspects all need close consideration. PIANC-PEC has developed this concise Dredged Material Management Guide to support and rationalize this management process. It provides an assessment framework and guidelines to structure the management of dredged material. It includes characterisation of the material, considerations on sustainable relocation and beneficial use, management options for contaminated sediments as well as guidance on the control of the sources of contamination. It stresses the importance of a clear management strategy and long-term plan, control of primary sources of pollution, adequate characterisation and classification and sound environmental and financial impact evaluation. Reference is made to the relevant background literature for which this guide serves as an umbrella document.