For 50 years and more than 160 issues, Terra et Aqua has benchmarked innovative maritime solutions. Articles are available here as well as in IADC’s Knowledge Centre.

Solids Transportation in a Long Pipeline Connected with a Dredge, Sydney Airport's Parallel Runway: The Beneficial Use of Sand Dredged in Botany Bay, An Evaluation of the Behaviour of Pollutants During Dredging Activities
Published March 1996

Terra et Aqua 62 – complete issue

Read the complete issue containing articles, upcoming events, an interview and book review.
High Accuracy Sanitation Dredging Trials, The Roman Harbour of Velsen, Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from the Firth of Clyde
Published December 1995

Terra et Aqua 61 – complete issue

Read the complete issue containing articles, upcoming events, an interview and book review.
The Wear Sensitive Cutting Principle of a Cutter Suction Dredger, Privatisation of Ports in New Zealand, Besòs Long Sea Outfall, Barcelona, A Tale of Two Dredgers
Published September 1995

Terra et Aqua 60 – complete issue

Read the complete issue containing articles, upcoming events, an interview and book review.

A Tale of Two Dredgers

Authors: Adrian Hunt
A look at the joys of working for a high-tech private dredging company versus the difficulties of an underfunded state-run organisation.

Privatisation of Ports in New Zealand

Authors: Heini Evers | Roy Weaver
By shifting from port-operated dredging to privatised contract dredging, three New Zealand ports have moved from world-ranked laggards to the top echelon of international ports in terms of profitability and performance.
Published June 1995

Terra et Aqua 59 – complete issue

Read the complete issue containing articles, upcoming events, an interview and book review.